Equity funds
On this web page we provide more information on our single funds.
Past positive performances are not a reliable indicator of future positive performances.
WPB European Equity
The "Wiener Privatbank European Equity" fund is an actively managed fund which invests in equities in the entire European area. The selection of countries and sectors is carried out under a comprehensive view of the national economies and the particular situation of the respective regions. The fund's investment objective is the realisation of a high long-term growth based on a broad diversification of risks. In terms of the in-depth analysis of the company, the potential to generate shareholder value is emphasised. This might be, for instance, the assessment of the dividend yield, dividend growth or share buybacks. The individual stock selection is done by detailed corporate ratio analysis.
Name | Wiener Privatbank European Equity |
Fund management | MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH |
Fund manager | Florian Rainer |
ISIN | AT0000615075 (A), AT0000615067 (D) |
Type of fund | open fund |
Fund financial year | 06/01 to 05/31 |
Entry charge | up to 5.0% |
Investment company | LLB Invest KAG |
Custodian bank | LLB Österreich AG |
Fund sales | Wiener Privatbank SE |
WPB European Property
The "Wiener Privatbank European Property" fund is an actively managed fund which invests in publicly traded companies in the pan-European area, whose corporate activities are in the field of dealing in real estate, property management and real estate investments or whose claims are collateralised by real estate. The selection of countries and sectors is carried out on a top-down basis after a comprehensive view of the national economies and the particular situation of the respective regions. The investment objective of the fund is the realisation of a highlong-term growth on the basis of a broad diversification of risks. The individual stock selection is done bottom-up after a detailed corporate ratio analysis.
Name | Wiener Privatbank European Equity |
Fund management | MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH |
Fund manager | Florian Rainer |
ISIN | AT0000500285 (T), AT0000500277 (A) |
Typ of fund | open fund |
Fund financial year | 06/01 to 05/31 (since 07/27/2011) |
Entry charge | up to 5.0% |
Investment company | LLB Invest KAG |
Custodian bank | LLB Österreich AG |
Fund sales | Wiener Privatbank SE |
Mozart one
The Mozart one fund is an investment fund whose focus is on Austrian equities, whereas the allocation is supplemented by other European equities. Therefore has as its goal to broaden diversification as well as the selection within an Austrian portfolio. The investment approach is fundamentally oriented and supplemented by technical indicators. Within the fund a concentrated investment approach is implemented, therefore keeping a level of ca. 50 positions. The fund orients itself to the positive market phases of the Austrian and the German Equity Market. In negative market phases an increase of the defensive investment component is possible.
Mozart one is actively managed.
Name | Mozart One |
Fund management | MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH |
Fund manager | Wolfgang Matejka, CEFA |
ISIN | AT0000A0KML1 (A) AT0000A0KLE8 (T) |
Typ of fund | Mutual fund, UCITS pursuant to section 2 read in |
conjunction with section 50 InvFG 2011 | |
Fund financial year | 07/01 to 06/30 |
Investment company | LLB Invest KAG |
Custodian bank | LLB Österreich AG |
Fund sales | Wiener Privatbank SE; M&P AM GmbH |
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